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Gurucool Publications





“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” ― Andre Gide, Autumn Leaves Love in a relationship is the thinnest line between being yourself while being there for the partner too. Love is not to lose self. This book- “I hope we meet again” is the story of a girl named ROMA- who is a strong independent woman, yet striving to retain love in a relationship beyond her abilities. Roma and her boss, Rahul fall in love and share a deep and fortified relationship, until one day they depart their ways. What are the consequences that lead to their break-up is the crux of the story. Narration of the story mirrors the real, deep and concealed feelings of a girl, when in a relationship. And it seems to be so real and adaptive to the reader that the reader can easily transmigrate into the characters. The inceptive author- Ms.Archana Singhal had set up the story with an urban backdrop and the western culture in Indian cities, served by BPO’s & IT’s. The narration also involves the deeper feelings and the reactions of a girl for every deed of hers, showcased with a title-‘Girlie’. Precisely, the book has put forth a clean love story along with a mixed pot of emotions; depicting all elements of love, passion, friendship, craving, fun and philosophy. Read and be enthralled.

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Archana Singhal

About the Author: I hope we meet agin.

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